Monday, September 22, 2008

A Little Quirky

I've been tagged by Laura to post 6 quirky things about myself.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag six fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the six blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

My personal Quirks:

1. I like to plan things in advance. Like way in advance. I'm already planning a trip with my parents to visit my brother, sister-n-law & nephew this Christmas. This is how extreme I am. They just left my apartment this morning to fly back to NC, but fortunately, Tanya (my sister-n-law) is also a planner, and she's been planning us coming up for Christmas too.

2. I like eating my french fries & cottage cheese with pepper.

3. I don't like chocolate milk unless I make it myself. There's just something that grosses me out about pre-made chocolate milk. I like adding the chocolate syrup to my "moo juice".

4. Every time I wear chap stick or lipstick, I instantly feel the need to wash my face. Something about the consistency/texture/moisture level totally makes me feel very gross, and I immediately want to wipe it off and wash my face. This is probably the reason why I don't like wearing makeup.

5. I can't stand it when the cap to the toothpaste is left off/open. The paste inside gets all hard and crusty, and I know I don't want to have to clean my teeth with that. GROSS! It's not that hard people!

6. I have to steal this last one from Laura. I do the same thing in my closet. I have to have all the clothes in my closet organized by color and item. I have a pants section that is organized by color, a dress section that is organized by color and so on....

...I also don't know 6 people that blog regularly, so I also am going to break the last two rules and make it 3 people. However, if you read my blog and would like to tag yourself for me, please feel free.

I tag Melissa, Caron and Sissy . Have fun!

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