Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Out and In

Have you heard that old saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"?

I've heard parents instruct their children, teachers instruct their students, etc..., but 9 times out of ten that phrase is either preceded by or accompanied with, "Do unto others as you would have do unto you."

I used to be friends with a girl who would lash out at you verbally and/or blatantly ignore you, but when confronted about it, she wouldn't actually tell you what was bothering her. Instead, she'd spit out the phrase, "If you don't have anything nice to say, etc..." as if following that one simple guideline was enough to excuse her venomous/aggressive behavior directed toward me and/or others.

The crazy thing is, I was living my life under the false identity of friendship with the gal.  Not realizing that she had long since dumped my friendship ass to the curb.  LOL!

Funny how one minute you think your in, when you're really out.  And when you finally realize you're out, you're actually the one who's in.  =)

All in all, I'd say this change of events has worked out in my favor.  =D

Here are a couple of other things that have also worked out in my favor:

My friend John gave me these 3 canvases and I thought to myself, "Self, you need to do some painting today." So this is the before.  You can't see them, but I've got vinyl numbers stuck on the canvas and the blue color sticking thru is the painter's tape to add a little contrast once the paint dries.

This is what it looked like after the paint was dry and I removed the painter's take.  Some of the tape allowed the paint to seep underneath, but I like how the painting turned out. 

Since the 3 canvases were painted together as one larger one, when you pull them apart, the painting takes on new depth and character. 
This is the same recipe as from my blog last week (I love Pinterest - Food), but instead of using muffin tins, I baked it in a shallow pie dish.  375 degrees for 30 mins. MMMM

This is a jellyfish.  I crocheted it for my friend Jo El.  She is very artsy.  Anywho, I didn't have a pattern, but I know what jellyfishes look like, so I just started working and this is what I came up with.  =)